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doublet lens造句

"doublet lens"是什么意思  
  • A doublet lens has four surfaces with radii R 1 to R 4.
  • It was first completed in 1910, but unsatisfactory optics caused a two-year delay before a suitable doublet lens was installed.
  • Development of the doublet lens by Churchill at Corning Glass Works allowed an electric light source to be more effective than with previous daytime colorlight signal designs.
  • The original General Railway Signal ( GRS ) Type " G " design consisted of a cast iron box containing three doublet lens units in a triangular arrangement.
  • They differed little from the popular Brownie cameras, the only technical difference being the introduction of a new doublet lens, allowing the same picture to be projected on a film plate over a shorter distance, making the Beau Brownies nearly 2 " shorter than their conventional counterparts.
  • As early as 1915, the technological push by-such intellectual giants as A . H . Rudd of the Pennsylvania R . R . and his concept of speed signalling combined with his development of the Position Light signal and the concurrent color-light signals using William Churchill's doublet lens combination in practical terms made the semaphore technically obsolete.
  • It's difficult to see doublet lens in a sentence. 用doublet lens造句挺难的
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